My garden is in full bloom... I can't believe how well it is doing. Hopefully everything sprouts before that devil of a summer arrives. Wicked, wicked thing it is. My friend Cindy, whom I have known since I was in the 8th grade, is in town visiting. She's been here for a little bit over a month and heads back to the woods of Idaho next week. Cindy helped me a lot with the garden. My neighbor got in the plant spirit also after seeing all of my crazy plants. It's so fun to watch plants start from a seed and then sprout to a full blown plant. It's even better when it brings food you can eat. There is just something about growing your own food that makes me smile.

My squash...looking good!

the wee lil baby squash

Tomatoes galore and a crazy artichoke..there's also rosemary but he's hidden

candy onions, garlic chives, tons of tomatoes and my poor green pepper plant on the far right

More squash

my Mother of Millions plant is OUT OF CONTROL!
I found that compost bin in t

he trash while in Venice!

Aloe, Oregano and Basil!

Matt and I re-did these old movie theatre seats..they came out pretty cool. The painting behind it is by the great Rachel Borchers..
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