So Friday night Janet, Meg, Wez, Ben D, Neighbor, Dana, Cindy and I hungout and drank beers and chit chatted. It was a good time...Ruby was humping Wez and Chi Chi was trying to mooch beer and Atilla was trying to Smoke. What is wrong with my animals? I KNOW they aren't learning this stuff from me.. or ARE they? You will never know. Ben made a good point about texting. He says he hates texting (i'm starting to hate my drunk texts-i have to delete certain numbers from my phone to prevent me from sending MORE drunk texts HA) Ben says that when somebody texts him he'll just text back a word that makes no sense at all, thus forcing people to just call him instead of texting him. I may try this sometime, I have realized how texting and emailing has turned us all into a bunch of social pussies. It's the easy way out.. we get dumped thru email, blown off thru texts. I've even turned into a bigger pussy because of it. We take the easy way out instead of talking face to face or even calling. I always felt that I was bothering people if I called them so I'd just send a text and if they responded then I wouldn't feel so bad. I need to cut back on my texting also. We'll see if I can do it.
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