Monday, June 16, 2008


Vintage brass leaf charms and Czech glass beads

a HUGE vintage crown medallion with black and green stone chain
I'm going to make pretty wind chimes with the horseshoes and I painted the letters on the vintage brass lockets. I had to re-do the B a zillion times.. grrr. My paint pens weren't mixing too well and they were painting lighter each time. I have yet to put them on a necklace because I need to clear coat them and finish outlining the A & B.

birds of a feather...
I saw these feathers at urban outfitters a bit ago and decided I was going to make my own. Turquoise, coral and pretty birds
pretty baby
Shooting Stars!

My old friend Patrick gave me this crucifix and it opens up into a sharp little knife. The back says God Protect. I found the old rosary at the thrift shop and added add'l beads to make it longer. I LOVE it!

It was too hot to go outside during the day this weekend. Friday we ate at that new Breadfruit restaurant and then saw Sex and the City. The movie was really good but as for the restaurant-it was so-so, I don't think i'd ever go back. I also met up with my friends at the Roosevelt later in the evening for a bit. Saturday night we hit up the Dilly Dally and Shady's and then Glam to see what some other friends were up to. (HA HA I must have been drunk to go there) I even danced! I had a lot of fun both nights tho.

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