up and come out to shoot pics with us!!
Boxing ring downtown phx
Viva Las Vegas Girls

around the corner from my old apartment

downtown phx

Venice, CA
Near the Bikini Lounge downtown PHX

Boxing Ring downtown PHX
Sorry about the poor quality, I don't have a scanner.. I did this the generic way.
1 comment:
nice bloggin today!
today was my lucky day for junk!! random house sales, estate sales with EVERYTHING i could ever want, and this lady in a house down the street was having a cactus sale. her front and backyard were literally like a cactus jungle! i bought 8 different kinds for only $11! she had SO many & she grew them all herself. there were some that she had for 15 years & she totally took the time to teach me bout em.
she's doing it again next should check it out.
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