Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A few pretty things...

The stuff above is from TOAST

Most of these came from The Looking Glass Store online in the sale section BUT, it's Euro prices so if you are in the US you'll have to add about 30 or 40% more and then another $25 most likely for shipping--grrrrrr!!!

This GIRL has got to have THE cutest wardrobe ever.

This PLACE in Bisbee looks awesome AND it's dog friendly!

If you want to do organic farming in a diff country GO HERE

awesome, AWESOME, awesome jewels

the cheapest and best dog STUFF HERE

crazy motorcycle riders HERE check out the girlriders 1 and 2 at the very bottom of the page

Ok, that's enough for now. I just spent 1.5 hours transferring all my favorites from my work computer to this Mozilla/Google page. Now I can take them with me anywhere I GO!

Get a playlist!
Standalone player
Get Ringtones


Charlene said...

It's my playlist!! woot woot.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

yay! i'll have to make ya another one when you get sick of that one.