Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today I hate my job. I had thoughts of walking out and running away with my dogs, and all my crap, to a far away place. Sick of people who let money get to their head.My computer sux ass also and i'm sick of thinking about YOU every FUGGIN day, it's been nearly a year.ugh.

Tonight I'll have a Jack Daniels, if you please


Ms.Lou said...

Aw, glad you are thinking of me!! Oh wait, I am not an a**hole!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

nah.. not an A**hole.. just a boy -boys will be boys. some are just not worth being sad over that long tho, it's very rare, at least in my past experiences-none ever hurt this bad.

My Life said...

Ok this is weird because I am feeling the same way, not about the boy thing but work... I must be something in the air.. I just want to be home with my kids.. Is this feeling ever going to go away? I used to look forward to coming to work!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

there must be a lot of weirdness in the air these days. I hope it gets better for EVERYBODY! grrrrr