this is what hap's when I lay around-dog day afternoon!
I used Cholla wood that I found in the desert for this one.
Well, there really wasn't any shenanigans at all.
My punctuation is horrible. I'm broke I have to pay rent and my car payment this week with a paycheck from last pay period so i've been trying to behave. I DO get paid this Friday so i'll be free to go on more adventures. YIPEEEE!

Friday -Janet's house where Meg, Janet and I drank wine, ate popcorn and watched Baby's Mama (guess who fell asleep while watching it).
Saturday-Had a bad headache from the wine so I didn't make it on my hike. Watched the ending of Baby's Mama, watched Man on Wire (so great, rent it) Went to Ania's to try on the bridesmaid dress, hit up this awesome new taco shop with the girls called America's Taco. It was delicious, esp the salsa. WAY too small of portions for the price you pay tho. Laid around, cleaned my room, took a bath, cleaned the bathroom and went to bed by 11.
Sunday-Took dogs on a long hike up the super high mountain by us and saw a coyote at 10 am about 50 ft away from me and the dogs so I grabbed the dogs and put the leash back on them-chi chi LOVES to chase other animals.. Watched The Royal Tenenbaums for the 1st time, laid around, did some ebay stuff, dug thru the desert and found more cactus skeleton's, found another old glass bottle by the old mine to add to my collection, chatted on the phone, made a necklace, cleaned more, made this gross Hamburger Helper Taco Mix, texted with the guy who is selling the motorbike and told him with the $250 he could buy a new pair of True Religion jeans-NO KIDDING!, nice kid tho-watched the Golden Globes, did a headstand and went to bed.
My punctuation is horrible. I'm broke I have to pay rent and my car payment this week with a paycheck from last pay period so i've been trying to behave. I DO get paid this Friday so i'll be free to go on more adventures. YIPEEEE!
I feel sorry for the fact that it's taken you this long to see The Royal Tennenbaums. Loser.
HAHA Nick! That's it, i'm going to sick your girlfriend on you. I don't know why I hadn't sat down to watch it b4..it was really good.
ha! I agree with nick...but what I was going to say is that your jewelry is so pretty cindy. I wish I had my ears pierced again so I could buy some earrings from you. maybe I should do that so I can rock some feather flare!
HA i know, i know.. what a LOSER ;o) Ok Janet do you have some ice and a needle? let's peirce your ears this weekend OURSELVES-that's SO 1980!
OMG, I love the cholla jewelry! Hope to see more!
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