Ok, I get a D- on weekend activities. I failed to do either of the things I would have liked to have done. It all started Friday night with Happy Hour and went downhill from there. Happy Hour ended up going till about 11:30 pm? It felt later than that. I drank waaay too much beer and had a horrible hangover Saturday so no road trips to Tucson or the hot springs-grrr.. you'd think i'd learn not to mix or drink so much.
I ended up going to the mall with my Mom and spending money on stuff I don't need. I'm going to return some of it. I did score a pair of Grey Ant jeans at Urban for $9.99. I'm unsure of them now tho, I don't think they are very flattering. I watched the Betty Page Story at night and fell asleep on the couch trying to watch Saturday Night Live-so much for resolutions.
Went for a hike on Sunday and then I took the dogs to this area downtown where the river is flowing pretty fast b-cuz they opened the dam and are in the process of fixing up the area. If any of you are interested in taking your dogs or bike there, there's going to be a long bike path going from phx to tempe. I took 16th st all the way down south of Buckeye and parked in the industrial area.
I decided to try and make guacamole for the 1st time. I think I did pretty good. I bought this Elephant garlic which was HUGE! I now smell like garlic... blah blah blah.. nothing exciting
I ended up going to the mall with my Mom and spending money on stuff I don't need. I'm going to return some of it. I did score a pair of Grey Ant jeans at Urban for $9.99. I'm unsure of them now tho, I don't think they are very flattering. I watched the Betty Page Story at night and fell asleep on the couch trying to watch Saturday Night Live-so much for resolutions.
Went for a hike on Sunday and then I took the dogs to this area downtown where the river is flowing pretty fast b-cuz they opened the dam and are in the process of fixing up the area. If any of you are interested in taking your dogs or bike there, there's going to be a long bike path going from phx to tempe. I took 16th st all the way down south of Buckeye and parked in the industrial area.
I decided to try and make guacamole for the 1st time. I think I did pretty good. I bought this Elephant garlic which was HUGE! I now smell like garlic... blah blah blah.. nothing exciting

OH and I bought some of this delicious smelling bodyscrub from LUSH.. yummmmy.
I feel like I have cabin fever. Sage was sick all weekend! boo., I love that you walk your dogs!!
i'm sorry you didn't make it to tucson. next year for sure.
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