My other best friend Cindy and I when we were 13 and 14 grilling on a hibachi in her front yard back in Streamwood, IL. She just sent me this and I laughed out loud. We used to get into so many mischievous things back in the day. We'd go to the mall and try to pick up boys, we'd take the train downtown Chicago to shop at the cool thriftstores and vintage shops, we'd go to punk/rock shows like Jawbox, Shudder to Think, Nation of Ulysses, Plaid Retina, Fugazi, Rain like the Sound of Trains, talked our way into a sold out Sebadoh show bcuz the guys from Evergreen were out front and we told them we'd buy them a pizza if they would put us on the guest list and it worked-we even got backstage. We hopped into Johnny Polanski's cab after they played a show one night at the Cabaret Metro and went back to their hotel room only to figure out he thought he was going to get into our pants. Get this, the dude took off all his clothes and was jumping on the bed NAKED with his ugly penis flopping around. We then proceeded to get freaked out so I grabbed the dudes sunglasses and we ran out of that room and didn't stop running thru Wrigleyville until we were at least a mile away, laughing the whole time. AHHH the fun we used to have. She's coming to visit from Moscow, Idaho in two weeks!!! Her blog is here
Thanks for making me sound so cool. What trouble will the old ladies get into next?
you are cool and one of my smartest friends! ;oP You and Jaz were the cool girls with the shaved heads that all the boys wanted and I was always the "is this a boy or a girl" girl HAHA
your hairs rad and so were your shorts. shawshank redemption!!! horshy shaush!!
How did we not know eachother? Well, 1. I never would've gone to see sisters of mercy,but I'm sure I was at most of those other shows! And they were "rad"!
Aw that was a great post made me laugh out loud it sounds like a scene out of a movie. I can just picture the penis part!
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