Damn you! I lost.. I tried to auctionsnipe them at $50.55 but they went for $80 something. *sigh*
I had a great weekend tho! Friday I met up with my friend Ryan and we went to our fav thriftstore then Saturday I took the dogs hiking, went to try to sell jeans at the Blue Jean Buyer but the guy wasn't there. I also hap'd to run into my pal Ryan there. I kidnapped him, in his car, and we went to the Salvation Army . Then I dragged him kicking and screaming (not really, he wanted to check out the hot mall ladies) to Fashion Square so I could buy my LUSH shampoo bar and look at Anthropologie. I stopped at the Biltmore on the way home and had MAC do my eyes and purchased some lipstick, ate some MOJO Yogurt Ice Cream and chatted with my friend at SAKS.
Saturday night I went to my friend Chris' house with my friends Meg,Wez and Chi Chi. He had some biker/car folks over. I attempted to ride the tiny trail motorbike he had and within the first 5 seconds I fell over. Did I mention I had high heeled boots on and had been drinking since 6 pm (I wasn't wasted tho so don't get all agro) . It's ok I wasn't going fast and the bike is tiny. I got stuck in a sand pile and just fell on my side, laid there in front of all the other people and laughed, got back on and finished. TA DAH!
Sunday I woke up with a migraine, puked (from the migraine), got up and popped some aspirin and headed out to some more thriftstores with Sonia and Dallas. We met up with Sonia's Mama at some antique stores on Cave Creek (Cheap Thrills) and then headed to lunch at Harvey's Wine Burger. It was my first time there and I think the burger was pretty decent. Sunday night I went to Maurizios where they had an Italian themed dinner party. I like weekends like this.
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