Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Here are some shoe finds via E-bay. I was being lazy and almost didn't do it today. I pulled myself together and got my ass in gear tho.

Item number: 180337374322 damn size 5 1/2

Item number: 260375003311 Damn Size 7

Item number: 120391160556 Size 7

Item number: 250387534234 Size 10
Item number: 220375052184 Size 8
Item number: 120391684071 size 7.5

Item number: 280323527138 Size 9.5

Item number: 280322029421 Size 8 *so cool huh?

Item number: 140307401876 Size 7

Item number: 380110914765 Damn IT Size 7


woodenheart said...

i love the grannie boots. i totally want a pair. maybe not that high though.

Anonymous said...

I have been breezin' through your blog. I love your ebay shoe/boot finds. It's like a public service announcement. Thanks!

I envy your life in the desert-everything looks so beautiful!

Thanks for your comments on NisN!

lauh-ren said...

omg the first ones are great!

LJ said...

u found all those! woah! i love 3rd pair..
xx-LJ from SOS!