So it started off like this. My friend Ryan, my 3 dogs and I hopped into the truck and headed East. We made a pit stop so the pups could have a potty break. I pulled off and headed down this dirt road and look what we drove up on. UGH! A dead horse! I really hope it didn't die of starvation or abuse. We actually saw SO many dead animals. The horse, a javelina head in the middle of the road, a skunk, a dead bullfrog at the motel and on the way home I saw a dead dog in the middle of the road. I guess the song of the day would be "Sunday Bloody Sunday". I'm posting these in 3 diff blocks.
I love these old Honda's. Sid used to have one in high school that he'd call the brown potato.
We stopped at a little yard sale when we pulled into Superior. Oh my goodness-the lady that lived there with a man, don't know the relation, she was like a scene out of a scary movie. I don't think she had brushed her teeth in 40 years. I asked Ryan if he'd make out with her for $10,000-he said "maybe" The man also had either A) a tumor B) a baby or C) a basketball stuffed under his shirt. They were both super nice. She even gave me a jug of water for my dogs. You'll see him when you scroll down.
He let us explore this little trailer he had for sale. $1,800. It needed to be gutted and restored.
He said this was an old medical dummy.
This old motel when you enter Superior was pretty cool. There was a lot of junk still left inside.
ewwwww.. dead frog!
I love the red carpet.
We also stopped for a junk food lunch. Ryan bought these delicious *ahem* GNARLY super greasy chicken fingers. They were so greasy they sparkled in the sun.
the dogs are in my truck wishing they cold get some of my hot dog.

ahah! Cindy you will be one of those old people soon with all the stuff you buy!! hahahaha!
hehe glad you were able to laugh out loud. I usually do that while lookin at I couldn't believe how much gunk she had on her teeth.
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