Friday, April 24, 2009

The Death of Integrity

Item number: 260398938380
Item number: 130301267533

Item number: 370191783859 the chain is made from actual human hair

Item number: 310137529047 made with human hair

Item number: 300309695492

Item number: 180348369579

Item number: 140316195071

1.adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.

Last night you proved that Integrity is not part of your vocabulary.


Ms.Lou said...

oh SNAP!

woodenheart said...

i would love to know the story behind this. on another note, i have seen this crazy/creepy hair art and it's unbelievable. there is a hair art museum online, you should google it.

jessie frances said...

another mourning jewelry fave

Ivanhoe Books - Art And Design said...

I have a phobia of other peoples's hair. This post consequently freaked me out.