Friday, April 17, 2009

Oops.. I missed my own Anniversary!

Over 1 year ago on 3/21/08 I started this blog. I had a lot of down time at work and I had friends who started blogs and I always enjoyed reading their's so I started my own. I also had to deal with the end of a 3 year relationship and I wanted/needed something to keep my head busy.

I know there are all kinds of people that visit and check in with my daily or sporadic posts and I love getting comments from people. Don't be shy about leaving comments I promise I don't bite or think it's weird that you stop by and check it out. I run dry here and there with ideas so bear with me.

For Me, For You had a lil post where they introduced themselves to the world and it made me think I never told you all who I am etc.

Not too much to tell. I'm 37, Aries, a Receptionist for a local printing company in Arizona-7 years now.. damn, 2nd longest job I've ever had. As you can tell I'm not much for change when it comes to certain things. I have an older sister and 2 younger brothers, 3 dogs- Atilla and Ruby (boxers) and a Chihuahua I found being raped on my street named Chi Chi. Oh and a cat that eats bunnies, birds, bugs and rat like things in the desert. I still don't know what I'd like to do with my life and if you ask me what my dreams and aspirations are I'll get all weird and draw a blank because I'm still lost when it comes to that. I have OCD so if you see me playing with my hair smack me, I don't even know sometimes what makes me happy or how to explain what Happy is to me but i'm always the first one to crack a joke about a serious matter (some people don't like that-my bad). I have a lot of acquaintances (even tho my phone hardly rings) but my best friends are Jazmine and Cindy they are the ones I trust the most and Jazmine's baby's are as much my niece and nephew as my sister and brothers kids are. Love them all.

I feel a bit odd when it comes to life. I also think waaay too much for my own good. Thanks for everything my cyber friends/friends and

Happy Late Anniversary to me...


woodenheart said...

happy anniversary cindy. thanks for being honest and open, i find it to be contagious.

jessie frances said...

...only if you smack me back when i'm twirling MY hair

the golden state of things said...

happy anniversary!! i really like your blog, obviously. i appreciate how open/honest you are and by reading your blog i really get a good feel of who you are. cheers!!

Ms.Lou said...

Whoohooo!! it has only been one year? You have covered so much on your blog: My favorite daily distraction.

TJB said...

Whee! Happy Anniversary!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

aww shux guys.. thanks SO SO much. I really appreciate it. I really need to do something fun so I can post about it tho.. life's in a dull at the moment.

Charlene said...

happy anniversary! I love you cinslut..haha