So long to you dear house till Tuesday. Thank you Dana for dog sitting Atilla and Ruby. I will be driving to Venice Beach to see one of my best friends along with Allison and Rich and whomever else would like to hangout. I love California, my Mom always says I'd be crazy to move there. I just don't know how I'd afford to live there with 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 cars, 3 bicycles and a ton of other shit that I'd have a hard time parting with. OH, and no college degree.

I love the beach. I could just sit on the beach for hours. I really want to take the dogs to the beach but most don't allow them. I did go to one in Huntington Beach once, I just don't have any friends to stay with if I venture too far south of LA. Note that I have to force
Jazmine to go to the beach with me. She's allergic to the sun and doesn't like the beach at all. All I have to do tho is ask
Umani (her 3 yr old) if she wants to go and she will say YES YES YES and thus
Jazmine is forced to go or she has to deal with the consequences!

This is
Jazmine my B.F.F and her
lil ones, I get to babysit while
she takes a yoga class. It's pretty impressive, she'll go 7 days a week when she's able, not to mention over an hour on the
elliptical machine she has. She usually forces me to go with her to yoga when I am there but this time I just get to babysit. I usually almost die from the heat in the classroom anyhow.

I took this photo in Venice a
loooooong loooong time ago and it's still one of my
fav's. This fella hugged/befriended me and that's how I was able to get the shots- BOY did he stink to high heaven. He also had blood crusted on his forehead. But it was worth the photo opp.
Drive safely little one!
oh i'm so jealous! i haven't been back to cali in years...have so much fun
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