Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Stab Me With A Pitchfork NOW!

Since airfare to Chicago over the 4th is $547 or something ridiculous like that and my voucher is only for $311.. looks like I will have to push it back a few weeks. Turns out for the better. Check out the line up for the Pitchfork Music Fest this year - F&CK! More info here try not to get all's actually cheap as well! Can't wait to see all the cute Chicago boys in flood pants. It's been waaaaaaaaaaay too long since i've actually seen a cute boy in this town.

FRIDAY Built to SpillThe Jesus LizardYo La TengoTortoise SATURDAY The NationalBeirutDoomYeasayerFinal FantasyThe Pains of Being Pure at HeartFucked UpPlants and AnimalsCymbals Eat GuitarsThe Black LipsMatt & KimLindstrømWavvesPonytailBowerbirdsThe Dutchess and The DukeThe AntlersDisappears SUNDAY The Flaming LipsGrizzly BearM83The WalkmenThe ThermalsPharoahe MonchBlitzen TrapperFrightened RabbitThe Mae ShiThe Very BestMewVivian GirlsJapandroidsDJ/RuptureWomenKiller WhalesDianogahMichael Columbia

1 comment:

Cara Patricia said...

Well in this town you have to look only to to find the adorable boys. We will also be at pitchfork boy hunting-- but if you get any good shots of them, email us a submission to the site :
