Wednesday, July 8, 2009

It's Getting HOT.

This lil bugger (not this actual one but nearly about the same size as this one) was found crawling on the inside of my roommate's skirt last night. We both nearly crapped our pants. I still can't believe it. I didn't know whether to laugh, cry, scream or run-Dana did a lil bit of all of the above and she did good for the circumstances. I would have prob run straight into a wall in a panic and knock myself out in the process. I killed the muthafuckah. They call them Wind Scorpions or Sun Spiders. SO NASTY! It's the 2nd one we've found in the house this week. I'm so glad it wasn't crawling up ME! For now on when I pick up clothes off the floor or out of my closet I am DEF shaking it out at least 10 times before I put it on my body.

How bout it.. all these are from FreePeople.Com. I think the suspenders would be good at holding the booze gut in!


jessie frances said...

eeew i feel things crawling all over me now!

Cheetah Velour said...

I've seen those wind scorpions and they freak me out! I found one under my tent when I was rolling it up. Eeek! I can't imagine having one in my skirt! Do they bite?

Not that long ago I pulled some clothes off a shelf and a giant potato bug fell at my feet. Scared the life outta me.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

EEEK I just looked up Potato BUG NASTY NASTY EEEEEK! I get the heeby jeepies just thinking about bugs. The wind scorp supposedly bites..i def do not want to find out tho. HA

Ms.Lou said...

That would cause me to go hysterical too! That bug is nasty look at its fangs! Poor Dana, lucky she did not get bit. I detest desert bugs.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

i'm hearing lots of scary wash cloth stories. i'm going to be SURE to check mine if I ever use one again!!! Also, the sandals totally look like the Ann D ones

Cheetah Velour said...

Ha ha! I just found this-

Q: Does alcohol consumption increase the chances of potato bug nightmares?

A: No. Potato bugs are drawn to the smell of alcohol, so when you drink late at night they’re more likely to infest your bed. They may gnaw your cheeks while you sleep, trying to get at the smell of the alcohol on your breath.