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As for the rest of my weekend, it was pretty dull. Tho, I did get to hangout with Ania Saturday and eat some yummy cucumbers/hummus and a couscous salad, along with some of her Chicken Marsala-damn Ryan is a lucky boy to have married this girl. I also fell asleep while watching a dvd at their house-go figure.
Friday I hit up my fav thrift and got a cute denim 50s dress and this rad SX-70 Polaroid Sonar Camera. It collapses to this (below)
Saturday I went to Target and Costco (got there too early, it was closed) then went in circles trying to find some thrift stores that I marked in my phone that I have yet to visit (some were closed bcuz I was too early). Sux not having the Internet on my android phone any longer. I have lived in Phx since 1997 and I STILL get lost. It was really frustrating, I must have gone in cirlces 4 times. And All I have to show for my time is a pair of knee hi Dexter boots to put on Ebay ... I hit up at least 6 thrift shops. I walked into the Goodwill on Grand and it smelled like baby shit and cheap air freshener so I headed to the shoe dept and left that joint as SOON as possible -YUCK- it was like a daycare in there (50% off days SUCK at the Goodwill).
I also sold some records at Tracks on Wax and Revolver-made a whopping $18. Sunday I crashed my Ipod after unplugging it from some speakers - I got the "white screen of death" I was HORRIFIED it's an 80gig Ipod and it wasn't cheap plus, it would be a terrible time to lose it. I was so worried it was a goner. Good thing for the Internet-they said to just turn the hold button on then off then hold down the menu and select button and to keep doing it till it resets itself-phew.. thank GOD it worked.
OH! You should go check out the Gold Lion -she has some great new stuff up. I picked up a cute ass dress, now I just need to go out. I'm so bored with everything lately and this song seems to sum it up
Damnnnnn, girl. It was so early that even the thrift stores were still closed?! What time were you up on Saturday?
haah i KNOW i usually wake up at like 7:30, even on the weekends. This time it was 8 am and the stores were still closed at 9 am.. those lazy turds! ;oP
i also recently experienced the white screen. i did the hold thingy and it worked. however, it went blank on me again and the hold trick did not work. i let it sit overnight and like magic, the screen was back. complicated ipods!
Allison oh NO! ha.. oh, I forgot to mention that 99% of my music is missiing off of it tho. I may have to upload it all again? weird.
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