Tuesday, September 8, 2009


this boat pulled up while I was sitting on the beach and it's name was Sindy! Then a guy got off and whipped out his dick and started pissing on the beach-HA HA..

Jazmine and BK

The ruins in Tulum were pretty neat. I'm horrible when it comes to reading the lil descriptions by everything tho so I didn't learn too much about them.

this is what I woke up to everyday. The weather was warm-in the high80's and sometimes the beach would smell like caca-due to the seaweed

my room in Tulum. Two of the people from the teachers training left and the room was paid for so I got my own room for free.

the two babies i babysat 3.5 -4 hours for a week while Jazmine did yoga.

They don't refrigerate their eggs in Mexico. I remember my grandma in Northern Minnesota didn't refrigerate hers either.

Gorilla booger gel for the hair, no really-that's what it says

a local graveyard in Tulum, Mexico. Ok, I promise this is the last of the vacation pics I will show. People usually aren't too interested in other peoples vacations-I guess it's kinda like hearing about somebody else's dreams they had the night before.



Wish I was there.

goldlionaz said...

that room is f---ing rad.

Lions, Tigers and Fashion OH MY! said...

wow looks like a wonderful place, so much history. I would love to got here some day.

Ms.Lou said...

Thanks I love looking at all all of your photos. Screw those who get bored of looking at other's vacations.

woodenheart said...

ha! i like your vacation pics. but i totally agree about the dream thing although it never stops me from telling others my dreams. haha!