
I really don't want to do this but this will cover my speeding ticket. UGH. they are a size 39 Chloe Platform Maryjanes. I will either A put them on ebay (these ones went for $350 a few days ago. I will take $328 (cost of the speeding ticket) this person just sold theirs for $350
uguguuguguguguguug. i hate speeding tickets. uggggggggggggggggggg.
shit, me too! this is my first one in a loooong time and the jerk wouldn't let me off. He wouldn't let me see the speed reader thingy either. I told him I can't even buy any x-mas presents now (the ticket is due Dec 22) I also told him about my 30% paycut and tried to not get a ticket..jerk wouldn't budge. asswad. I tried. I should have started crying and pretend to pass out.
Oh Man!! If those were only my size and I had that kind of money, I wish! They are beautiful!!!
aww. damnit all to hell! Thank you tho ;o) I so don't want to sell them.. maybe I can sell something else ha.
it's $328?? god damn, i thought it was less. well, my traffic class turned out to be $233, maybe you should do that instead? i hate the law!
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