Monday, December 21, 2009

If Santa was Real...

These would be my size

THESE (above) would be MINE MINE MINE-so hot it hurts...

but I could settle for these as well..


Anonymous said...

Nancy Sinatra, Puss 'n Boots and Barbara Stanwyck, in that order.

Sombody's got domination issues, I see...

Fashion Serial Killer said...

yes.. yes.. yes. man, you have your boots down. Who has Domination issues? Me? Maybe.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

OH and, I think it's more like "Pussy in Boots"

Janet said...

I'll take the second pair for xmas!

Janet said...

oops I mean the 3rd pair...didn't see the top ones, although i'd be quite happy with those too.

Anonymous said...

What can I say--I'm a foot man.