Wednesday, December 16, 2009


HA HA check out our funny ass invites. If you'd like to join us email me at and I'll send you one w/o the blocked out addy. I have a girl stalker that leaves mean comments and closes my myspace acct and sends me fake messages from fake people from fake accts she's made up so I don't want my addy out there for her pleasure. Tho, my dogs would eat her up and fart her out if she tried to F with us at home. Good job to my roomie Dana for making the funny fliers, lending the dresses and to Miss Janet for taking the photos. Can't wait to see ya'll!


Sunshine said...

o how i wish i could attend

D winger said...

I had to redo the one on the left, i'll send it to you now.

goldlionaz said...

Damn, you guys look beautiful. I love the matching prairie dresses :) That sucks you have a stalker, flattering but super lame!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

HA Emily I will tell you about the roomie from hell someday.. hopefully you can attend our party!!

the golden state of things said...

the invites are so rad and i like how you two were able to wear the same dress.. too funny!