Tuesday, January 5, 2010


here 7.5
here 7

here 8 -Janet, if the ones you bought are too small buy these and we can relist the ones you bought...

here 8
here 9
here 8

here 10
here 9
here 7.5 meoowww

here 8 so rad!
here 7.5

here 7.5

here 8.5 these are for you Ivanhoe
**None of these shoes are mine, They are all current auctions for sale on Ebay**


Initials BB said...

i never find anything on ebay! wtf! also none of these fit me (#4 & 6), also wtf!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

let me know your size again Brittany- I think you said 9.5? I will be on the look out for you!!