Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Daily Heart On

Sweet Jesus... (esp the last 3 pics) UGH! Dreaming my Dreams... If I had myself a hot biker, like he is in the last few pics, I'd bake him cookies every week,pull out his weird back hairs, pop his zits and smell his neck for hours. I'd pick the dried snots out of his beard, I'd give him a spongebath after he got all dirty and greasy and lather him in lotion that smells good. I did say I was just dreaming didn't I? Ladies and Gentleman.. meet this male model- Patrick Petitjean (oh he'd have to have more than just looks tho... for sure)


Chris said...

What a hunk!

Initials BB said...

with his beard, he sort of reminds me of jude law in cold mountain. but much better, and not balding.

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Chris-you are funny!

Brittany-you think? God, Jude Law was SO FREAKING HOT IN THAT movie. That was a good movie as well.I think this guy might win tho-I might have to make an iron on of his face and put it on my pillow case.

goldlionaz said...


My Life said...

Hot Damn women I am in love he is gorgeous!!!