Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Somebody Bring Me a Beer!"

If you haven't seen SWEET DREAMS -The Patsy Cline Story-you def need to rent it.It's so so good and sad. Patsy's song Sweet Dreams is one of those songs that gives me shivers-for reals. Also, Crazy is a super good song to slow dance to........


Initials BB said...

that movie is in-tenz! the domestic violence scenes with her husband were so brutal and realistic, the shit is upsetting to watch!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

it was intense! the most disturbing movie i have ever seen in my entire life tho is Irreversible a crazy French flick.

melississippi said...

i will add that to my netflix . . tho not for valentines days since it does not sound so romantic . . . and no i've never tried booikia (is that how you spell it) do you know where there is a class here in AZ? it sounds like i would dig it

Fashion Serial Killer said...

booiaka. i just looked hA. i don't know where they have any but if i find out i'll let ya know ;o) you would prob dig it. my best friend does and she also does that zumba stuff.

Harold McGruther said...

After King Kong, Jessica Lange's best work ever...

What can I say: I love hair monkeys