The only complaint I have about my Leica is that the zoom SUCKS ASS! This is the best I could do with it folks. Prairie Home Companion in Tucson this past Saturday. It was interesting and cool-hard to pay attention with so much going on. I kinda wanted to just shut my eyes and listen but I didn't want Meg to think I fell asleep ;o).. I'm notorious for falling asleep while watching things. I even fell asleep at a bar once. I think I fall asleep during nearly every DVD I watch at home. If I start it past 8pm I'm def a goner. 37 yr old GRANDMA here. Oh, Dave Rawlings Machine was one of the main bands with some of the guys from Old Crow Medicine Show (Ketch Secor, Willie Watson, Morgan Jahnig) and Gillian Welch was playing with them as well. They were really good.
I love the old houses in Tucson and they are finally just about done with the damn freeway construction! Check out the Javelina's we saw near Meg's cousin's house. I still find it hard to believe we don't have any behind our house. I had some coyotes right outside our house this morning eating the old dog food I poured out there. Prob not a good thing to do. I thought the birds would eat it.... the birds apparently don't like Alpo. (NO I do not feed my dogs that shitty food, somebody gave it to me)
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