Monday, March 29, 2010


Look it's NICK ;oP

How awesome are those Kidney belts and the moto club shirt! Ugh $$$$$

This little Ducati was super rad. $1,000 but no title and it needed wiring and a bunch of other things. I LOVE it. If you guys all chip in $10 you can buy it for me for my bday.. it's coming up *wink* See the donate button on the top right side of my blog...All I need is $500 more..... ;oP


filo said...

nice swap meet...lot of cool stuff...just to laugh, how much for the belt ? count me in for your cindython...up to 50.00 (our old euro is still high !! ;-) should add a paypal tool to your blog and let the money coming ;-)

Fashion Serial Killer said...

you're the BEST!!! I need a FRENCH MAN..shit.. I don't know how to add one of those things? Let me try ..that'd be funny. Also, the belt was ...ready.... breathe.. $600!!!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

ok I added it HAHA.. I wonder if anybody will really give me money to buy the ducati! bukake!

filo said...

done ;-) at least you already have the handlebar...I hope you'll find the rest soon !

Fashion Serial Killer said...

ha ha handle bar! I guess it's a start.. I'll sleep with it in my bed and pretend it's you. Kidding, thank you FILO! You're the best!

filo said...

just call me filo "handlebar" loco !

Unknown said...

LOVE the Hondas.

Initials BB said...

ugh the skull is so awesummmm i should have gonnnnne