There are more than just 3 young ladies in the pic.. there are 3 men. If you can see the 3 dudes you win bcuz I don't see them anywhere..

You think you see a big bearded mans head in this one but it's not. It's something WAY diff.. in all reality the guy has a young child in his lap with a big white bonnet on. Cover up the hair on the bearded guy and you will see.

faces in the trees... scary!
OOH ok now I see them! I knew you'd be able to find them with your crazy eyes.
yeah, but what about the other three guys 'skirting' the issue?
Mike, I don't see any guys in their skirts? You should prob smoke the stuff Rob does-that'll help. He He..It does look like a pair of eyes on the bottom ?? Maybe I need to smoke too! ha
1 in the tree; 2 beside the mill
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