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Last night in Chicago somebody stole all 4 of my
lil Bro's wheels off of his car and left it on wood blocks... then a month ago in Chicago (montrose/sacramento area) somebody side-swiped him in a hit and run in the middle of the night while it was parked. Poor kid.. he just got the damn car like 3 months ago! I could see if it was a fancy car like his '57 Fairlane but, he has the same car I have a 2009 Honda Fit!!!! What could those possibly be worth? DEF not worth getting busted for a few hundred bucks...
Looks like a ticket there on his windsheild too...grrrrr...this makes me happy I scored free private parking behind my building. Poor guy.
I didnt even notice the ticket HA.. yah.. poor guy..
Kick him while he is down! a Ticket!
yah he had two tickets.. i love my honda fit. it's a great car and i have had ZERO probs with it.
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