Monday, August 9, 2010


My friend Janet came over Saturday night with her Son and I made them pasta with lots of garlic,shallots and zucchini while Janet made this delicious garlic dip with pumpkin seed oil and garlic. My fingers smelled like garlic two days later-yummy. She is also a photographer and was experimenting with a new camera that night. This is me, by her. Did I mention that I fell asleep during the DVD sitting up in the chair all tangled up in pretzel mode. I always do that. Bad haircut courtesy of me, I'm cheap.

I leave you with "Drink'n Wine Spo Dee o Dee" by Stick McGhee-pretty rock'n. Mmm WINE!


woodenheart said...

that meal sounds freaken fantastic! and i like your hair. and your dress!

Unknown said...

Cindy, picture looks good.

wool and misc said...

awesome photo!

Fashion Serial Killer said...

thanks guys..

Golden- HA! Shit, I wish I was there selling-that'd be kinda fun for a day. Then again i'd blow all the money I made on all the other cool stuff there.