If I was to go out on New Years Eve I'd want to wear the above outfit. No hot dates here tho. I def hope the new year will be better than the last- It was kinda rough- My dog Atilla passed, my Chihuahua was bit by a rattlesnake a month later (she survived!!), Paychecks started bouncing, Hail damage to my car, shitty living situation, got ripped off on a $1,200 car deal by a friend of over 20 years when dumb me handed him over cash for a 4 Runner and didn't get the title and thus he kept my money and the 4 Runner (FUCK YOU MONE!) - I could go on or I could think positive and say I learned some valuable lessons and that it could have been waaaaaaaaaaay worse. I'm still healthy, I can still see, walk, hear and have a roof over my head. Thank GOD! But 2011 PLEASE be better.
I hope so for you miss C ! Anyway keep your sens of humour and your good taste ;-)...and I wish you all the best for this new year !
I'm a bitch'n broad!
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