If anybody is riding out for this and you need a place to crash I have a rad pad with a TON of space for you to stay for free. You can camp in our yard or put a sleeping bag up on the covered area of the new section of the house (which is HUMONGOUS!). I back up to a desert preserve (see below) and it's 4.9 miles away from the LOVE shop. Hit me up and I can give you directions. Let's PARTY!!!!!
Sounds like a motha' fuckin' plan. Might just have to take you up on the offer
ok keep me posted! email is fashionserialkiller@gmail.com
We be there like tarter sauce on a fish. Like foot on a thong. Like Charlie on Wong in such a gay way. It's all good. I cant' wait to party at the Love'r Fest. and See you soon FSK!
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