Thursday, February 24, 2011


These are from an old roll of film. The poor roll had been left in the car in 110+ degree heat and then in 40 degree cold. Perhaps that's why they seem really grainy and a bit blurry. Maybe I just don't know how to focus. You've also seen similar shots. I tend to bring my digi and my 35 mm with when I go on photo missions.
Taken with Ilford Delta 100 film. They haven't been photo shopped or touched up at all either..I'm just going old school...I mean- OLD SKOOL!


Ijneb said...

Wow warped film or not those are still some beautiful shots

Fashion Serial Killer said...

Thanks Benji. PS-I might be in Boca in June to see the play HAIR with my best friend I will keep you posted!

Ijneb said...


David Bond said...

Great shots Cindy!

Unknown said...

wow!! it's so nice !!